A Good Landing - Martin Leeuwis
Pooleys stock code: BTG185/Share
Product description
First book in this series of books. From several countries, USA, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, UK, France, the Netherlands, Australia a mixed bunch of 20 cartoonists participate in this book. They all have their own style and connection with aviation and this results in a very refreshing mix of cartoons about all aspects of aviation. Published in 2008 and 80 of the 160 pages are in full colour. Very nice gift for all aviators.
The book "Good Landing" was published November 2008.
It is a rather unique book: in the last 50 years (as far as we could find out) no book was published with aviation cartoons by artists from all corners of the world.
In just a few weeks 1000's of books were sold around the world, and the orders keep flooding in "Good landing" contains 160 pages with 300+ cartoons from 20 different artists from several countries and each artist fills some pages, none of them more than 8% of total book, and they all look at aviation on their own, special, way. Almost half of the book is in full colour.
ISBN 978 908003 759 5