Image 0 of Flycom headset adaptor – Micro Avionics

Flycom headset adaptor – Micro Avionics

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Product description

Converts a single 6.35mm jack or Flycom style headset to work with our powered radio interface (MM005). The adapter is also compatible with Lynx radio interfaces.

Small ABS plastic box with flush mounted jack sockets that accept connection with the Flycom or 6.35mm jack plug aviation headset. The ABS box contains SMD electronics with electronic speech filtering which removes excess wind and background noise from the intercom system. This in turn gives very clear audio to the passenger and radio. A small preset adjuster is accessible by the user to adjust the headset volume.

You must connect 12 volt DC power to the interface, otherwise the adapter will not work.

  • Small and compact.
  • Electronic speech filtering.
  • Compatible with other makes of powered interfaces.
  • Volume dial.


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