Image 0 of Insect Remover 1 ltr - Aerosense

Insect Remover 1 ltr - Aerosense

Non-UK No Vat charged


Tech Sheet

Product description

Insect Remover is a ready-to-use cleaning product for the removal of insects from the airframe, windshield and TKS panels of airplanes, helicopters, ULM, gliders and other aircraft. The non-corrosive formulation is safe for use on metal, plastic and (un)painted surfaces, de-icing boots, glass, Plexiglas® and Lexan® and windshields.

Airbus AIMS09-00-002
Boeing BSS7432


Spray the ready-to-use product on the surface and allow 1 to 2 minutes of contact time. Wipe or rinse off excess product with water.

Tech Sheet

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