CAP 637 - Visual Aids Handbook
Pooleys stock code: BTA166/Share
Product description
A compendium intended to explain in general terms the purpose of visual aids employed at UK licensed airports. Covers lighting, surface markings, signs and signals. intended for the guidance of pilots and personnel engaged in the handling of aircraft.
- Foreword
- Chapter 1 - Aeronautical Ground Lighting
- Chapter 2 - Surface Markings
- Chapter 3 - Signs
- Chapter 4 - Visual Docking Guidance Systems
- Chapter 5 - Obstacle Lighting and Markings
- Chapter 6 - Aerodrome Signals
- Chapter 7 - Visual Aids Specific to Helicopter Operations.
This document is not to be used to design or specify visuals aids for the purpose of aerodrome licensing. Licensing criteria, which include the technical specifications and display patterns of aeronautical ground visual aids, are contained in 'CAP 168 Licensing of Aerodromes'.